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AILEEN - centres of vocAtIonaL Excellence (CoVEs) in aErospace & defence for advanced maNufacturing

The AILEEN project brings together a network of organisations from Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom and Turkey, representing both education providers and industry.

The objectives are

  • Develop criteria to ensure the quality of synergy and co-operation activities between countries;
  • Develop technological, digital and green skills for advanced manufacturing needed for the transition to a circular and greener economy;
  • Update European/international harmonised curricula for welding qualifications and additive manufacturing qualifications according to the specific needs of the aerospace and defence ecosystem.

The AILEEN consortium will focus on creating international synergies to help meet the demand for qualified personnel in the aerospace and defence industry.

In the longer term, AILEEN aims to contribute to transnational mobility in VET and sustainable partnerships throughout project development by involving the EU aerospace and defence industry, VET institutions and existing CoVEs in AILEEN activities.


Learn more about the AILEEN project here:



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.