> Niedersachsen ADDITIV
On 20 October 2018, Lower Saxony's Economics Minister Olaf Lies officially opened the Center for Additive Manufacturing – NiedersachsenADDITIV.
› AILEEN - Centres of vocAtIonaL Excellence in aErospace & defence for advanced maNufacturing
In the AILEEN project, partners from seven European countries are working together to establish vocational training centres for the aerospace and defence sector. The focus is on technologies such as soldering, welding and additive manufacturing.
These are our finished Project Participations:
AREOLA: Ar/vr foR aErOspace pfb-Lb operAtors
The current labour shortage requires new training initiatives. For the professional qualification of powder bed plant operators, the project consortium is developing online training materials and virtual training tools (Virtual Reality - VR and Augmented Reality - AR) - specifically adapted for the aerospace sector.
SAM: Sector Skills Strategy in Additive Manufacturing
Together with 16 European project partners the Erasmus+-project SAM develops a strategy for the qualification of skilled workers in the field of additive manufacturing technologies. The aim is to promote growth, innovation and international competitiveness on the European market through standardisation in education and training.
DESTINE: European DESign TechnIciaNs lEague
Qualified designers for additive manufacturing processes are of utmost importance for companies that want to manufacture additively. The current workforce shortage requires new educational initiatives. Since additive manufacturing does not have its own job profile, fostering and training young talent is critical. This is where DESTINE comes in.
CLLAIM: Creating knowLedge and skilLs in AddItive Manufacturing
Since January 2018, we have been participating in this EU-co-funded project with the aim of counteracting the shortage of skilled workers in additive manufacturing through European training standards and a European training network.
Testing, Advisory and Training centres in selected Russian regions
The LZH Laser Akademie was involved in the development of curricula, individual training modules and advised on quality management and marketing in the German-Russian Laser Centers Kirov and Kaluga.
Training Campaign Laser Technology and Biophotonics in Lower Saxony
Within this project, a better transparency and clarity of the existing further training offers of private educational institutions in the optical technologies was created.
QuaProTech - Development of a Qualification Network "Production Technology" in the Metropolitan Region BS-GÖ-H
In this project, a qualification network for production technology was build in order to evaluate and bundle the available resources in the metropolitan region Braunschweig-Göttingen-Hannover.
The project, led by the Institute of Microtechnology (University of Hannover), aimed to develop a procedure for the recognition of professional competences on university courses in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Recognition.
In this project we were responsible for the identification and specification of qualification contents as well as the development of corresponding qualification modules.
Open University Lower Saxony
In this project the LZH Laser Akademie was project partner of Leibniz University Hannover. Within this initiative, the University aims to facilitate access to the University for industrial trainees without classical university entrance qualification.
Open University Lower Saxony
The LZH Laser Akademie was project partner in the subproject "Studium Initiale" within the competition "Advancement through Education Qualification" which was sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
The aim of the sub-project was in particular to develop a concept that would make it easier for people with vocational qualifications who do not have a traditional university entrance qualification to enter university.