Sector Skills Strategy in Additive Manufacturing (SAM)
Since 1 January 2019, we have been participating in the EU-funded project Sector Skills Strategy in Additive Manufacturing (SAM). The SAM project has a duration of four years and is intended to develop an industry-specific qualification strategy in the field of additive manufacturing. Currently 8
and in the future relevant qualifications will be identified and a methodology for the evaluation of essential competences will be developed. Through the standardisation of training and further education, growth, innovation and international competitiveness on the European market are to be promoted and strengthened. After completion of the project, a European coordination office will keep the qualification standards up to date and keep an eye on the development of technological trends and market requirements.
In this project, the LZH Laser Academy works together with a European network of 16 project partners from Belgium, Spain, Great Britain, Portugal, Greece, France, Germany and Italy. The project partners come from industry, education and training, higher education and associations.
Download project information here:
Video presentations:
Click here for the video presentation about the AM Observatory
learn more about the AM Qualification system in this video presentation
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.