Laser Safety Officer for technical applications

When operating laser devices of the classes 3R, 3B or 4, a qualified laser safety officer must be appointed. The expertise must be verified by successful participation in a course and has to be kept right up to date through further training.

This seminar provides a comprehensive knowledge of direct and indirect potential hazards during the operation of laser systems. Participants will be informed of the origin and the effect of the laser radiation, and learn effective safeguards. In order to be optimally prepared for the task as a Laser Safety Officer, the seminar goes into detail on the legal framework and regulations and laws.

Our training seminars fulfil the legal requirements of the OStrV and the requirements defined in the TROS Laser Radiation for courses and examinations as proof of specialist knowledge.

This Seminar will be held in English.


  • Legal basics and technical guidelines
  • Physical parameters and properties of laser radiation
  • Biological effects of laser radiation
  • Laser safety and laser protection - Direct risks
  • Laser safety and laser protection - Indirect risks
  • Practical work: Exemplary case of hazard assessment
  • The Laser Safety Officer - Authority, responsibilities, liability      

Target audience

Employees who will be responsible for laser safety, and Laser Safety Officers who want to refresh their knowledge.

Participants should meet the requirements of TROS Laserstrahlung, Teil Allgemeines, Chapter 5.1. (TROS laser radiation, general part, chapter 5.1.)

Termine und Anmeldung
Laser Safety Officer for technical applications
Laser Safety Officer for technical applications


PDF des Programms

1 Tag

LZH Laser Akademie GmbH

435,- € plus 19% value added tax.

Individuelle Termine:
Wir bieten Ihnen dieses Seminar gern zu einem individuellen Termin auch schon für Kleingruppen an. Fragen Sie uns nach einem Angebot!

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin:

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ilka Zajons

Leitung Akademie, Sicherheitsingenieurin

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